Global Expansion

Haven’t thought about expanding into the Kazakhstan market yet? Read this article that will change your mind.

As global companies seek new growth opportunities, Kazakhstan is emerging as a market with immense potential. At Filuet, we specialise in supporting companies in their global expansion efforts, and Kazakhstan represents a particularly promising destination. In this article we explore the various benefits of expanding business in Kazakhstan and how Filuet can facilitate this journey. […]

Haven’t thought about expanding into the Kazakhstan market yet? Read this article that will change your mind. Read More »

Regulations Impacting Global Trade: Navigating Complexities with Local Expertise

The global marketplace is constantly evolving and World Trade Organisation (WTO) reports highlight substantial regulatory updates that transform the international trade landscape. These changes underline the critical importance of staying up-to-date on legal requirements, especially for companies venturing into new markets.

Regulations Impacting Global Trade: Navigating Complexities with Local Expertise Read More »

role of technology in facilitating global market expansion 

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Global Market Expansion 

Advanced analytics and big data involve the collection and analysis of large volumes of data from various sources, including social media, online transactions, and market reports. By collecting, analyzing and segmenting large amounts of data, these technologies can identify consumer trends, behaviors, and preferences in different areas of the world, thus aiding your global expansion.  

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Global Market Expansion  Read More »

Direct Selling in The Baltics: The Untapped Potential of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in 2024

2024 presents a golden opportunity for direct-selling businesses looking to expand in Europe, with the Baltic states standing out as untapped, high-potential markets. Known for their high-tech infrastructures and adaptive consumer markets, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are great markets to expand your footprint and increase revenue.

Direct Selling in The Baltics: The Untapped Potential of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in 2024 Read More »

6 Global Business Expansions Done Right

Global expansion, a pursuit as daunting as it is exhilarating, requires a myriad of strategies and tools, each carefully orchestrated to conquer new frontiers and pave the way for unprecedented success. More often than not, if you’re considering taking the leap into the unknown, there have been companies before you that leaped at least the same distance. 

6 Global Business Expansions Done Right Read More »

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